In their book, Silvics of North America, Burns & Honkala map out the primary zones for the key four cedar species in Oregon. As pointed out by Alex Bourdeau the distribution of the species in relationship to "large, slow water estuaries and rivers" (1997: 10) probably impacted transportation and use of cedar as a building material. In addition, the relative sedentism of the cultures involved must have been part of the strategy of exploitation of this resource. Cedar peeled for fiber is found throughout the Western Redcedar range.
Only one plank-tree has been recorded in Oregon by Michael Southard of the Eugene BLM District. The tree was given the Smithsonian number 35LA1038 and is in the Coast Range in the Siuslaw drainage. The tree had three planks removed by blunt tools, as the grooves for wedging out the planks were still in the standing tree. The tree was a burned snag 8.5 meters high, killed by fire, with the top broken just above the top plank scar groove. The longest plank was 6.37 meters long, the second was 5.4 meters and the third was 4.7 meters. The planks were roughly 40 cm wide. The snag was thought to be Western Redcedar. It was heavily decayed when recorded in 1992, and was near collapse at that time. It was later destroyed in a logging operation
One can see that form follows resources. The typical house in the NW portion and coast are plank houses dug into pits with a side entrance. Cedar was the preferred wood and the nearby rivers and estuaries provided easy transport of substantial logs. Along the coast, a similar patter is found, with decreasing dependence on cedar and greater reliance on fir and bark as one moves south. The Rogue & Klamath basins tend to have pit houses covered with bark slabs (sometimes split fir boards) and earth with an entrance from above. River transport was less likely, but the large Klamath lake systems probably allowed log transport. Houses in the southeastern basins, where large trees are scarce and large slow rivers are rare, small houses were made from brush or mats over a pole frame. In the NE portion of the state with its sage and grasslands, larger mat over pole construction was used.
The size of the house relates to the relative abundance, predictability and constrained mobility of primary food species. Along the Columbia River, anadromous fish runs allowed large populations to live together in relatively larger houses and villages. In some cases, the very large houses were the village. In the coastal regions where shellfish were abundant, relatively large houses were built. I suspect that an examination of house size and estuary size might prove an interesting avenue for future research: to see if there is a correlation between relative house size and estuary size. Where resources were less abundant, more scattered, and less predictable, houses should be smaller.
Taking the measurements from the houses cited in this paper and figuring the average house length and width gives the following patterns:
Coast Region
9.7 meters
3.9 meters
Portland Basin
77.7 meters
17.8 meters
Deschutes Region
5 meters
5 meters
John Day
4 meters
4 meters
NE Region
33 meters
7 meters
SE Region
4.6 meters
3.7 meters
SW Region
6.4 meters
6 meters
As expected, the houses along the Columbia River with its anadromous fish runs were the largest, with the Portland Basin (NW Coast ecozone) along the lower Columbia dominating house size. The NE region (Plateau ecozone) along the middle Columbia is next in house size. The Coast (NW Coast and California ecozones) follows with its shellfish and estuary fishing economies. The SW region (California ecozone) along the Rogue River and Klamath Lakes is next in size and is followed by essentially a tie between the Deschutes and SE regions (Great Basin ecozone) with the diversified Basin economic systems.
There are no real surprises here, but it is nice to see overall statistical support for what was expected from general archaeological experience. As caution, the numbers simply reflect existing data from both surveys and excavations, and probably contain quite a large percentage of bias ... but that bias may be consistent from region to region (people tend to record or excavate the biggest and best first).
While large cedar plank houses are limited to locations where cedar was available and where rivers or bodies of water allowed easy transport of large logs, large houses were built anywhere when desired. House size appears to be primarily a reflection of economics, where storable foods or seasonally abundant, predictable and reduced mobility resources defined house size and population aggregation.
The houses along the lower Columbia tended to be large, high-peaked central ridgepole cedar plank structures in a deep pit. The northern coast houses tended to be angled shed-roofed structures. The southern coast tended to have lower peaked central ridgepole houses. The interior valley houses were shallow or surface bark-covered structures. The SW interior houses were round bark-covered roof entrance structures. The houses along the interior Columbia tended to be large pole and mat covered shallow pit structures. The SE houses tended to be small surface or shallow pit mat or grass covered pole structures.
Zuker, Hummel 7amp; Hogfoss 1983:36-38
The largest houses are associated with riverine anadromous fish habitat or coastal shell fish habitat with their relatively abundant, predictable and reduced mobility resources of fish and shellfish. Along the coast, rocky habitat and estuaries appear to be the primary locations for winter houses. The main stem Columbia with its fisheries was the primary location for winter villages. In the interior valleys, the primary river tended to flood during winter, so winter village location appears to be along the tributary streams near water, but above normal winter flooding. In the SW area, houses tended to be along rivers and lakes above normal winter flooding. Winter housing in the SE tended to be near water sources as well, but were more widely distributed across the landscape in smaller groupings.
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