Employment for archaeologists/anthropologists
Passport In Time. Volunteer projects around the country.
Frequently asked questions about a career
Institute for Archaeological Studies.
Oregon State Parks State Historic Preservation Office archaeology section: state laws, permits, policies, lists of contractors.
Video on archaeological subjects, The Archaeology Channel.
University of Oregon, Field School Projects......... University of Oregon, Museum of Natural History.
Culture- Watch
Virtual Library of the American Indian.
Primitive Technology Gatherings......... Echoes In Time
Ozette Excavation Photos.
Northwest Obsidian Lab.
Society for American Archaeology......... The Meier Site, Sauvie Island
Archaeology News
Another web site of interest Great Archaeology: History of Archaeology
Flintknapped items for sale at Northwest Coast Archaeology with links to some good sites.........
The Par-Tee Site........ Historic bottles