
Between the Rivers flag photo flag photo knapping area event camp traveling museum tent tipi Mick and Goode Micks toy Jean and Goode central firepit firepit Jean playing and singing Kirby Susan and Antler Jim same me drumming knapping knapping same note the bowl Jean and Goode out of focus obsidian splinter blade core setting platform nice blade making brain tan pants new students flag photo study folded bark baskets same same fiber basket start same start of quiver tinker Mick same Shaun Deller camp kids learing about trapping Goode entertaining Mike came tri-point other side Jim and Goode same small but sharp fireside band soapstone class making a pendant a large pendant using a rasp happy feet braintan for sale tipi on a nice day basketry tin cup tin cup burn bowls quivers tooled soapstone project burned bowl backside soapstone project happy outcome storm warnings nice day flags flying stormy day finshed soapstone waxed colors other side knapping pit sales the instructors playing and drumming me drumming smoke gets in your eyes my sopastone samples for class

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