Echoes 2016

entry road only able to visit one day I was still on IV antibiotics trail entry trail camping forest camp class shelter forest camp camp forest camp Alan forest trail forest trail forest trail forest trail forest trail forest trail wash station wash station basketry basketry basketry Dennis blacksmithing blacksmithing blacksmithing bow workshop bow class class cards class cards class cards class cards class cards kids programs class cards class cards class cards class cards class cards class cards Jack Fee felting felting felting bow drill fire Goode and Carole Goode camp edge of river new blanket capote Margaret made this capote Carole and the peach Goode bling Goode bling Goode in costume Goode in costume Goode in costume Carole and Bree Goode painted Goode painted Goode painted hide tanning Julia weaving Julia weaving Julia weaving Julia weaving Kirby Records quivers knapping arrows arrows at Goode camp deer leg bags deer leg bags deer leg bags Ron Macy making a bow Ron Macy Ron Macy bow jig bow jig bow jig bow jig Sunshine Mary Sunshine Mary quills Sunshine Mary quills Nicole Apelian Nicole Nicole Nicole land owners relatives Patrick Farnaman and Jim Gnapp pottery workshop pottery workshop pottery workshop pottery workshop Tom Prang kids program Tom Prang kids program Tom Prang kids program Tom Prang kids program Tom Prang kids program Tom Prang kids program Tom Prang kids program river along main intructor camps central tree central tree central tree central tree dealing with widow maker tree dealing with widow maker tree Dale and Richy dealing with widow maker tree dealing with widow maker tree cleared trail Margaret wool mart Margaret wool mart Margaret wool mart

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